01 November 2013

Open Mosque Day – Muslims Serve Up Tea and Taqiyah

When asked about this verse, the imam of the Islamic Society of Orange County, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, responded that you cannot take one verse alone to make a point about Islam because that verse may take things out of context.

He added that the demeaning of Jews and Christians occurred only during a certain period of time when Muslims were fighting Jews and Christians (If that is so, why do Muslims continue to pray their anti-Jewish and anti-Christian prayer seventeen times a day some 1400 years later?) The host at the Lomita mosque acknowledged that the interpretation was true, but he said he was “not comfortable” with that interpretation.

.... Another verse in the Quran that demeans Jews and Christians is Surah 5:51: “Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” The same prohibition is reflected in Surahs 3:28, 3:118, and 9:23.

Responding to this command, the host at the Lomita mosque said that a lot of his friends were Jews and Christians and that Muslims respect all religions. To prove his point he called up some middle school students who parroted the same mantra. [No Compulsion] Read more