13 April 2009

Muslims/Christians: A Bridge to Far?

Mohamed Pascal Hilout is the former vice-president of the Movement for French Secular Maghrebians and co-editor of Riposte Laïque. He's the founder of the reform movement Le nouvel islam (New Islam).

To summarize what Hilout says: Religion is not a basis for dialog, human rights are. Muslims must recognize their history - that Mohammad was a warrior, and the Koran calls for Jihad (war) - and move beyond it. The West must stand for its fundamental values, and Muslims must accept human rights. Freedom of speech enables people to evolve further.

The Islamic world has problems with human rights. Relativism got to Europe, which means inequality is tolerated. If you respect Muslims, you should push them for more equality, democracy and freedom, and not tolerate what is unacceptable. [Islam in Europe] Read more