On Thursday VG printed a feature article about the head of Islam Net, with the headline "Holding course in extreme Islam in Norwegian college" spread all over the front page. Several Muslims responded to that.
"Islam Net isn't representative of Islam in Norway and VG chooses to focus on Islam Net instead of other moderate groups," the head of the Anti-Racism Center, Kari Helene Partapuoli told NRK. [Islam in Europe] Read more
Oslo: "They've taken my religion and are using it in a way that scares me" .... A young Muslim who went to several of Islam Net's events, told VG that he thinks there's pressure on Muslim students:
"They have a monopoly on being the Muslim association for students in the college. But after participating in a wide variety of events, I feel they've taken my religion and are using it in a way that scares me," says the student. [Islam in Europe] Read more