01 June 2011

Are we there yet? Nick Clegg and David Cameron agree to disagree

.... So next week's review should be Munich heavy. The government will make good Cameron's pledge to ban foreign hate preachers and will bring in a new link between extremism and violent extremism. Then there will be proper scrutiny of groups "to make sure they are effective, not extremist, and reflect mainstream British values".

Groups that have illiberal views on women? Well, they can't be banned, but they won't be worked with. Indeed, in general, the government will accept that it will have trouble banning groups and so won't get new proscription powers.

As a plaintive parting shot, one of Farr's staff wonders out loud whether the government will be sensitive in announcing Prevent, suggesting the PM's language in Munich might have been unnecessarily aggressive. [guardian.co.uk] Read more