09 June 2011

French couple in Britain in legal challenge to veil ban

A French Muslim husband and wife living in Britain are to challenge France's ban on full-face coverings at the European Court of Human Rights, their lawyer said on Thursday.

The couple lodged an application at the Strasbourg court to challenge the French government over the ban on wearing Islamic veils, which they argue is "unnecessary, disproportionate and unlawful."

.... The couple live in central England with their two children. They have chosen to remain anonymous, citing "considerable hostility" in Britain and France to Muslim women wearing the full veil in public.

"The case clearly is of importance to my clients," said lawyer Robina Shah, of the Immigration Advisory Service in Birmingham, central England.

"As a result of the ban they have had to leave their country of nationality, as the ban restricts their freedom of choice, and that of their daughters." [Expatica] Read more [via Allah.eu]