11 June 2011

Quilliam response to UK’s government’s new ‘Prevent’ policy

.... The Prevent strategy’s definition of Islamism as ‘a philosophy which, in the broadest sense, promotes the application of Islamic values to modern government’ shows a complete misunderstanding of the nature of Islamism and why it is problematic.

This current definition downplays the negative aspects of Islamism and ignores the fact that most non-Islamist Muslims also believe in combining Islamic values and modern government.

The Prevent strategy’s definition therefore risks smearing ordinary, non-Islamist Muslims as Islamists and thus falsely identifying them as being part of the problem while also implying that Islamism is one of the aspirations of every Muslim.

A better and more accurate definition of Islamism would be ‘those who seek to impose one interpretation of Islam on society through law’. [Quilliam] Read more