....The law in Belgium, which follows a similar measure in France passed in April, prevents someone’s identity being obscured by clothing in public places. Offenders face a fine of 137.5 euros or even up to a week in jail if they re-offend.
Despite critics saying the ban is over the top as so few women in Belgium actually wear the full veil, others defend the move.
Denis Ducarme, a Belgian Member of Parliament, says: ‘‘We think in terms of security it is completely unacceptable to see a certain number of masked figures in the street who are unidentifiable. That is the first point. The second thing is we believe there has to be equality between men and women.’‘
Reporting from Brussels euronews’ Galina Polonskaya says: ‘‘The fear of being fined or going to prison. Those who cannot or won’t change their dress prefer to stay home. They await a Constitutional Court decision. The first hearing is in September.’‘ [euronews] Read more