02 August 2011

One man's crime is not enough to sanitise radical Islam

.... Clearly, blaming ‘Islam’ as a whole is wrong because the faith is rich in ambiguity with scope for multiple interpretations. In any case, it would be absurd to believe that a community of over 1.5 billion people all share an identical belief system and moral outlook.

But the opposing view involves implausible denial and is equally unmerited. Bin Laden’s followers are not just reckless adolescents driven by narcissistic rage. They are religious fanatics quoting chapter and verse to justify slaughter.

Thus, while it would be reckless to tar all members of a community with the same brush, this is not a licence for political correctness either.

Just because a ‘Christian fundamentalist’ became a loathsome mass killer is no reason to sanitise radical Islam. We owe as much to the victims of that ideology, including Muslim ones. [The Commentator] Read more