But the Muslim Institute's good and hard work seems to have achieved little. Despite investing in a website and relaunch this summer, it's astonishing and disappointing that so few people appear to have even heard of the new contract.
Those my mum, my fiance and I have spoken to seem reluctant, nervous and wary to embrace something which isn't in line with what has always been. It's in turn made my mum now feel anxious over signing the new contract too, which means she's decided not to follow through.
[A COMMENT] A brave article which sums up the dreadful discrimination that Islam inflicts on British women like Huma. Where are the feminists when you need them?
[A COMMENT] Islam doesn't consider women to be the equals of men, that's why your mother can't be a wali. Personally, I find it bizarre that women would subscribe to a belief system so obviously made by men, but there you go. [Guardian Cif] Read more