03 November 2011

Islamists Should Be Free to Burn Poppies

English law has eroded our right to freedom of expression (and, indeed, freedom of thought) far too far in recent years. Whereas in the past one was free to say whatever one liked provided that it did not amount to an incitement to violence, the law now in essence precludes speech that incites hatred or that is subjectively offensive to any person hearing it.

.... The right for these Islamists to burn poppies should, of course, be a two-way street. It should thus likewise not be an offence for those who wish to say things that these zealots might find or pretend to find offensive.

Put simply, we need to return to our ancient values and move away from the victimhood culture that neuters public debate and imprisons citizens in a prison of silence. Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"? [Dale & Co] Read more