01 June 2012

Private Muslim schools told to promote British values

For the first time, they will be forced to meet new rules introduced to ensure schools respect the criminal and civil law, present political issues in a balanced way and promote tolerance of other faiths.

The change – applying to all independent schools in England – comes amid concerns that the curriculum in some schools may encourage the development of radical beliefs.

In a report, the Department for Education said reports from a range of sources suggest that “extremism may be more of a problem within some independent schools rather than state-funded schools”.

[A COMMENT] I would love to know how they are going to be "forced" to promote tolerance of other religions. In the fourteen hundred years of Islam's existence they have never promoted tolerance of other religions. They may have tolerated others who live around them as non Muslim inferiors, but that is as far as they are prepared to go. [telegraph.co.uk] Read more