01 May 2013

Sharia councils: unjust, unequal and consequence of failed integration policies

Personally, I wasn't surprised watching the Panorama on 'Secrets of Sharia Councils in the UK' broadcast on the BBC last week. I am aware of these dangerous practices by similar courts adopting the same Islamic constitution elsewhere outside the UK.

However, the main issues to be addressed here aren't only the discriminatory nature and inequality of these councils, but also the broader context of the failed integration polices of the current government. The failure to integrate migrants and refugees and the government's pro-faith agenda has resulted in the demand and justification for such parallel systems to fulfil the needs of those who feel they are 'different'.

There is a common argument that a right to Sharia councils are part of an individual's rights to their own religion and beliefs. It is important here to link the establishment of Sharia councils in the UK with the rise of Islamism internationally. Muslims have lived in the UK and Europe for centuries and didn't need an Islamic court to provide them permission to adopt, worship or practice their religion. [National Secular Society] Read more