I was appalled by Bill Mahers and Sam Harris' coverage of Islam and terrorism several weeks ago. I am appalled as someone who is not a Muslim, rather someone who is an atheist and does not believe in a higher power.
I am not a religious scholar by any means, and never make claims to such, yet this Islamophobia that is professed is dangerous and leads to disenfranchisement toward so many in the Muslim community. Muslims are no different than anyone else, they have the same goals and aspirations as anyone else.
Islam is not the problem, and has never been the problem. We must ask ourselves, what is religion?
[TOP RATED COMMENT] Islam is certainly the problem, as it and its followers promote ideology that leads to violence and the subjugation of women.
[ANOTHER] I agree wholeheartedly with Bill Maher attitude towards Islam, I took a course in grad school on religions of the world. Believe it or not the course was being taught by an ex Muslim. He was extremely against the religion he was taught, he quoted passages of the Koran which basically said if your Islamic, its your duty to deny, and hate other religions. He said that radical groups take this even farther by executing defectors, and women who go against Islamic Law.
[ANOTHER] If the Koran explicitly tells you to kill the infidel that does not convert to Islam then I think it is a problem! [The Huffington Post] Read more