17 January 2015

'Religion of peace' is not a harmless platitude

The West’s movement towards the truth is remarkably slow. We drag ourselves towards it painfully, inch by inch, after each bloody Islamist assault.

In France, Britain, Germany, America and nearly every other country in the world it remains government policy to say that any and all attacks carried out in the name of Mohammed have ‘nothing to do with Islam’. It was said by George W. Bush after 9/11, Tony Blair after 7/7 and Tony Abbott after the Sydney attack last month. It is what David Cameron said after two British extremists cut off the head of Drummer Lee Rigby in London....

.... We have spent 15 years pretending things about Islam, a complex religion with competing interpretations. It is true that most Muslims live their lives peacefully. But a sizeable portion (around 15 per cent and more in most surveys) follow a far more radical version.

The remainder are sitting on a religion which is, in many of its current forms, a deeply unstable component. That has always been a problem for reformist Muslims. But the results of ongoing mass immigration to the West at the same time as a worldwide return to Islamic literalism means that this is now a problem for all of us. To stand even a chance of dealing with it, we are going to have to wake up to it and acknowledge it for what it is. [Douglas Murray, 873 Comments]

[TOP RATED COMMENT 697 votes] Good luck with all that Douglas, but I don't fancy your chances. The liberal left have too much to lose by admitting they were wrong about Enoch, wrong about Honeyford, wrong about Rushdie and wrong about everything since. That's why were in this mess.

[ANOTHER] The warning signs were there 20 years ago with the Rushdie affair who was given damn all support at the time,the hysterical reaction of so called "moderates" to the faintest criticism of Islam means we have a very long way to go.If Islam can not find its own "enlightenment" it will remain totally incompatible with Western Democracy.

[ANOTHER] So we are supposed to tip toe around the "moderate" Islam, like some reformed alcoholic, just in case it falls off the wagon and goes all jihadi on us.

Oxford University Press, a leading publisher of schoolbooks has banned its authors from mentioning pigs, sausages, and anything pork related in their books, lest the words offend Muslims and Jews (yes they mentioned Jews also, but I leave it up to you to guess why they did that).

Don't you see, it is the very threat of violence that intimidates us into granting more and more concessions? [The Spectator] Read more