04 September 2009

Reading the Qur'an in the dark

Alas, poor Sebastian Faulks! First he annoys the Muslims by declaring, in a Sunday Times interview, that the Qur'an is "the rantings of a schizophrenic" with "no ethical dimension". Then he upsets the Islamophobes by apologising. The poor sod has been hit by a self-inflicted double whammy.

.... If Faulks had given a moment's thought to his position, a plethora of basic questions would have emerged. If the Qur'an has "no new plan for life", how come it laid the foundations of one of the great civilisations of the world?

Given "the barrenness of the message", how could it motivate the believers to develop science and learning, promote reason and experimental method, establish universities and research-based hospitals, and advance philosophical inquiry? [Guardian CiF] Read more

See what Guardian Cif readers think of this post here.

See here for Sebastion Faulks' interviews concerning the Qur'an