09 January 2011

Like it or not, we must find common ground with British Muslims who stand up to fanatics

.... Not many rational people would condemn Jack Straw as a racial bigot, but his remarks on the attitude of some young Muslims of Pakistani origin towards white women would until now have come only from spokesmen for the BNP.

Nor, I think would have one expected until recently to find on a New Statesman blog an article like that posted recently by Medhi Hasan in which he quotes extensively from Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy’s article “Why do they pick on us Pakistanis?” which is a plea for Pakistani Muslims to understand the culture of the host society in which they live.

.... There are Muslims out there seeking an accommodation with our society. They may not be able to defeat the Islamist fanatics, but we would be foolish to reject a hand held out in understanding and reconciliation.

There is common ground to be found and the alternative is far from attractive. It must however be made clear that there can be no possibility of any legal status for Sharia. Law is a matter for the state, not the Church nor Mosque. Nor should there be any recognition of polygamy, nor toleration of forced or child marriage. [telegraph.co.uk] Read more