03 July 2011

East London Mosque just can't stop digging

Being lied about by liars is an occupational hazard of my job – but even by its own Olympian standards of untruthfulness, the East London Mosque’s latest justification for hosting its latest extremist and homophobic bigot is a classic.

.... All these are intellectual tricks that would not fool a reasonably alert ten-year-old – and indeed only one slightly dim blogger, Sunny Hundal, seems to have been fooled by them. The mosque’s PR contortions impress diminishingly few, outside the ranks of the usual useful idiots. They simply expose the weakness of its case.

It is now time – actually it is long past time – for the East London Mosque to decide whether it actually wants to join tolerant, 21st-century multicultural London, or just carry on pretending that it has done so. [telegraph.co.uk] Read more