08 September 2011

Fear of being labelled as extremists forces Muslims into silence

.... I have lost count of the number of British Muslim students, activists and imams who have told me of their fear of being labelled as extremists or terrorists if they dare take an unconventional, unorthodox or radical position on a political or religious issue.

It is ironic, if depressing, that a doubling of the number of Muslim MPs in parliament and the appointment of a Muslim woman to the cabinet has been matched by a narrowing of the range of opinions and views expressed by ordinary British Muslims in public.

[A COMMENT] Western Muslims that integrate and don't try to force their beliefs on others do well. Those whose beliefs are at odds with the 21st century probably should never have moved to a Western country in the first place.

Like it or not, and for any number of sociological and political reasons that I won't delve into here, British Muslims are generally more radical than their counterparts in the US, Canada, France, Germany, or Australia. [Guardian Cif] Read more