01 September 2011

Norway: "You can't oppose capital punishment and be Muslim"

.... In a discussion forum on Islamnet.no, Qureshi writes: "a person who says that he's principally opposed to capital punishment, is opposing principles prescribed by Allah (...)

A person who think that he knows better than Allah about what is best for people isn't Muslims because the definition of a Muslim is one who submits to Allah. (...) This is something Muslims have agreed upon forever. This is so simple (...) that there is no doubt about it."

This was written in a discussion on whether the laws of Allah are absolute and whether it's possible to interpret them based on today's reality. Qureshi was answering somebody who wrote that he principally opposed the death sentence and wished to reform Islam so that it upheld human rights.

This person was asked by several other participants whether he was an infidel. [Islam in Europe] Read more