28 August 2012

After Anders Breivik's conviction, Norway must confront Islamophobia

.... The mainstream political rhetoric concerning Islam in Norway has undoubtedly changed for the better in the past year. The number of ordinary citizens willing to contest Islamophobic discourse publicly has risen.

But popular attitudes often remain stubbornly unchanged. A 2012 survey indicates that Norwegians hold more negative attitudes towards Muslims than towards any other minority group, except the Roma.

[A COMMENT] Have you ever considered that the general population don't want to confront Islamophobia?

Instead of churning out articles that aim to paint Islam as a scapegoat, why don't you take a fresh go at this, and print an article exploring why, the more time that goes by, the further the general population move away from the idea of multiculturalism and seem to be repelling Islam. And explain why this is a bad thing. [Guardian Cif] Read more