.... There is nothing moderate about the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, to be clear, they may not be as immediately or as indiscriminately violent as al-Qaeda, but Andrew McCarthy refers to the Brothers as “Muslim supremacists” for a reason. (I prefer the term “jihadists.”)
Unlike your typical Arab strongman, who may aspire to regional hegemony, the Muslim supremacist seeks the dominion of Islam, not just in the Middle East and other historically Muslim regions, but over Europe, the United States, and the rest of the non-Islamic world.
[A COMMENT] A "moderate Muslim" is simply a Muslim who has not yet been threatened or terrorized into submission by the thugs who are "radical". The Jihadists aim to fight to the death, "moderates" (of all stripes) always want to avoid fights. We know, historically, which side prevails when one side will not fight for themselves, don't we? [National Review Online] Read more