.... Dawkins has gone from criticising the religion itself to criticising Muslims, as a vast bloc. They're not individuals with names, they're "these Muslims" or "some Muslim or other", undifferentiated, without personhood.
They haven't managed to get very many Nobel prizes, presumably because they're stupid, or brainwashed into zombiehood by their religion. Yes, it's only a "fact", but in different contexts, the same fact can have different meanings. For instance, would Dawkins have tweeted another fact, which is that Trinity also has twice as many Nobel prizes as all black people put together?
[A COMMENT] Many of us are sick to death of this reflexive pandering to the sensitivities of Muslims and the religion of Islam, especially in the atmosphere of criticizing and or mocking any other religion being perfectly acceptable and without consequence. Now get up off your knees and get a spine ... please. [telegraph.co.uk] Read more