17 April 2014

Brandeis University bows to Islamism

They must ponder the consequences of caving in to radical Islam’s increasingly outrageous demands.

There must be some serious soul-searching here.

It is time to protect the long-cherished ideal of free, critical thought, which the West has fought for through many of its own convulsions.

It is time to formulate a cogent response to Islamist assaults on freedom of speech and to implement it in an unflinching manner.

The comment of Brandeis president Fredrick Lawrence that the university chose to back down over the issue of Hirsi Ali’s honorary degree because of “certain of her past statements”, shows there is no place for him on the barricades of freedom.

[A COMMENT] I just keep posting my same, simple, summary: Islam is a bad fit in western society. [TORONTO SUN] Read more