23 April 2014

Tony Blair warns against the Islamism that he helped foment. Is this his mea culpa?

A lot of people hate Tony Blair, and hate him in particular for what he did in the Middle East, and so when he made a speech today on the need for a broad front to combat Islamism they came out with a torrent of abuse. That is a mistake because most of his speech, properly understood, is a giant mea culpa. Since most people think that this mea culpa is necessary, perhaps they should listen.

He is also right – and a lot of his critics would probably agree - that both political and militant Islamism are giant challenges for the modern era.

[A COMMENT] .... "political and militant Islamism are giant challenges for the modern era." But they wouldn't be such challenges if he hadn't quintupled immigration and embraced multi-culturalism, would they? [The Telegraph] Read more