15 June 2018

Muslim prof made students praise Allah before entering office

A Muslim professor at the University of Connecticut aggravated numerous students last year by requiring them to remove their shoes and say "Bismillah" ("in the name of Allah") before entering his office.

.... The footage in the video was originally taken in December 2017, and also contains an audio clip, from an unspecified date, of Coe interacting with a student who saw that his door was open and was trying to ask about where another professor was.

“Get the hell out of here. I don’t want to see you,” Coe told the unidentified student after she asked him why she needed to remove her shoes to enter his office.

“I am a Muslim,” Coe explains to the student. “You don’t come into my office with dirty shoes; that’s a curse.” [CampusReform.org] Read more