02 July 2018

UKIP Peer calls fear of Muslims “reasonable” and calls for abandoning term “Islamophobia”

The UKIP Peer, Lord Malcolm Pearson of Rannoch, has once again ignited controversy as he calls for the Government to dismiss the term “Islamophobia” claiming that it is perfectly “reasonable” to be afraid of Islam.

Speaking in the Lords Chamber, 27 June 2018, Lord Pearson stated that: “the Government must know that hatred of us Kuffar is central to radical Islam, that it is being taught in our mosques and madrassas, and that their own Behavioural Insights Team has said that their present policies are failing”.

He added: “And will the Government please stop using the word “Islamophobia”, because it is surely reasonable and not at all phobic to fear the world’s most violent ideology, from which indeed most hate speech now comes?”

The comments were quickly called out for harbouring hostile sentiment towards Muslims and were sharply criticised by fellow Peers. [MEND] Read more