27 February 2019

French retailer Decathlon suspends sale of sportswear hijab amid 'violent controversy'

French retailer Decathlon has backtracked on plans to sell a sportswear hijab after receiving what it described as "unprecedented insults and threats".

The hijab, which is designed for running and already retails in its Moroccan outlets, faced an immediate pushback from the public and politicians alike, who argued it contradicted France's secular values.

"My choice as a woman and a citizen will be to no longer trust a brand that breaks with our values," Health Minister Agnes Buzyn tweeted.

"Those who tolerate women in the public space only when they are hiding are not lovers of freedom."

The retailer initially doubled down on the promotion, taking to social media to argue its goal was to offer women "a suitable sports product, without judgement".

But less than 24 hours later, following "many internal debates, and to guarantee the safety of our employees in France", it axed the hijab. [ABC] Read more