30 March 2019

Islamic bigotry has been fuelled by the left

.... The Labour Party recently signed up to a definition of Islamophobia devised by the all-party parliamentary group on British Muslims. “Islamophobia,” it says, “is . . . a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.” Besides being a clunky non-word, what is “Muslimness”?

Hardline Deobandi or Salafist Islam, which has erased tolerant traditions, branding itself the true Islam, demands women wear the hijab and even the niqab, although neither is Koranically prescribed. Are Muslim feminists appalled that British state schools permit parents to cover the heads of six-year-old girls, enshrining a culture of modesty, constriction and separation from infancy, targeting “Muslimness”?

.... Now there’s lots to do. First up, let’s focus on the rights of Muslim women, especially those in conservative communities, who resort to Sharia courts in domestic disputes and are often counselled to stay with violent partners. It is appalling that Muslim couples are not compelled to undergo civil marriage, with wives left in penury after a religious divorce. [The Times (£)] Read more