22 March 2019

It’s time for my Conservative party to root out Islamophobia for good

.... Whether we like it or not, there is a subculture of Conservative supporters that place Islam at the centre of much that’s wrong with our society. And I think they’re wrong. This Tommy Robinson brigade appears to place ignorance ahead of understanding and does a disservice to British Muslims and the vast majority of Conservatives who bear absolutely no ill will toward the Muslim community. As a political movement we do ourselves no favours by tolerating or ignoring this hateful fringe.

This isn’t an argument to exclude radical Islam from scrutiny or debate. But we don’t honour that debate by indulging the unfounded fears spread by Islamophobes whipping each other into a frenzy online. It is the duty of leaders on the political right to demystify the debate, not pander to people’s cheap fear of “the other”. [Guardian Cif] Read more