22 May 2010

Beyond parody

This post, by Iowahawk, on "Draw Mohammed Day" was satire, but readers could be forgiven for thinking it wasn't, especially as it is not so different from hand-wringing dozy bint Amira Nowaira in The Guardian: [The Iconoclast] Read more

Why I Won't Be Participating in 'Draw M******* Day' (PBUH) One of the most frustrating things that comes with being one of Eastern Iowa's top 500 political satire bloggers is dealing with readers who presume to know where I stand on the issues. Worse yet, some even seem to think they can dictate the content of my posts. Like this recent disturbing email from a reader in Crown Point, IN: [Iowahawk] Read more [via The Iconoclast]

A predictable furore over Vilks .... The Muslim reaction in these situations is often excessive, irrational and highly unacceptable. It is also frustratingly predictable. If Muslims are offended, they should take their case to court and sue "offenders" on account of instigating racial and religious hatred. This is a matter for the law to decide. Using violence or threatening to use it is as unlawful as it is self-defeating.

It will only reinforce the stereotype rather than counter it. Better than anything, Muslims would be well advised to ignore these instances of "free expression" and just withdraw peacefully from any gathering or event in dignified protest. If they do that, they will stop the Vilkses of this world becoming undeserving heroes. [Guardian Cif] Read more