24 September 2010

In old Istanbul quarter, Islamic and secular Turks grope toward coexistence

.... The two sisters wear Islamic head scarves and say they have no problem with their secular friends and classmates, who don't. Yet on the streets, in classrooms and along the hallways of apartment buildings in the cramped Fatih district of Istanbul, Deniz and Daria Ker remind them every now and then that they'll stew in a fiery hell if they don't cover up.

"We say, 'If a single strand of hair comes out and a man sees it, you'll be damned for 40 years,'" says Daria, an 18-year-old high school student, a white head scarf covering her head as she helps her 20-year-old sister work the cash register of a children's clothing store. "It's a must in our religion." [Los Angeles Times] Read more