21 September 2012

The west and the Islamic world should leave one another to live and let live

.... Islamists need to stop attacking the west, and issuing fatwas against those outside the Islamic belief system. Likewise, the west needs to solve its own problems, rather than insisting on interfering in the affairs of Muslims, while failing to admit that previous interference might have provoked much of the "Muslim rage" that westerners find so "medieval".

In fact, the finger-wagging criticism from Islamaphobic zealots is just more of the "We know what's best; you do what you're told" attitude that has already caused such mayhem. It is time for both parties to get a grip.

[A COMMENT] Look I'm sorry, the relative behaviour of the two 'sides' is of such disparity, that this latest tactic of 'a pox on both your houses' is simply appeasement of the murderous and unreasonable over sensitivity demonstrated by one of the two parties under discussion. [Guardian Cif] Read more