30 November 2012

Egypt’s revolution at a ‘crossroads’ with secularist anger at what Egyptians regard as an Islamist power grab

.... The problem with references such as “the true nature” of Egyptian society is that they underline the ruling Muslim Brotherhood’s conservative Islamic philosophy and bring to the surface longstanding cultural and religious fissures in the most populous Arab country.

Egypt is a country where, for example, many women cover themselves in black garb from their heads to their toes while many others dress as women in Europe or North America do.

Although both the old and new constitutions state that Egypt must be governed by “Islamist principles,” this means one thing to Islamic fundamentalists and something else to secularists. Another clause that is open to interpretation states that women, but not men, must balance their duties between home and work. A third declares that clerics at a respected Sunni mosque in Cairo must be consulted on legislation concerning Islamic sharia. [Postmedia News] Read more