.... Fahad Qureshi begins by complaining that the media draw attention to preachers who support the death penalty for homosexuals. He goes on to explain that he always responds by insisting that all Muslims support these views and thus that they cannot be seen as extreme.
Then he offers to prove his point on camera, by asking everyone in the audience first to raise their hand if they think they are ‘normal’ Muslims, not extreme types, before establishing if they agree with some further propositions.
Do you agree, he asks, with the punishments described in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, including stoning – do you think that they are the best punishments which could be applied? Everyone seemed to raise their hand very readily, and then also agreed that they were average Muslims, not radicals. Qureshi is delighted, and asks:
“What’s the media going to say now, that we are all extremists, that we are all radicals?” [Harry’s Place] Read more