10 March 2014

'Is Your White Elephant Halal?' - Why Religious Slaughter Must Stay

The issue of religious slaughter hit the headlines again last. Andrew Rosindell, the secretary of Parliament's animal welfare group, has joined voices demanding the end of religious slaughter in the UK.

As someone with experience in the meat industry, specifically halal, this news troubles me. It troubles me because the argument is flawed, and flawed on many levels.

By way of developing this debate, I wanted to share some of my thoughts and opinions in the hope of broadening readers' understandings of ritual slaughter and why the issue is in fact a massive white elephant.

[A COMMENT] How unconvincing. The farm animal welfare council researched whether slaughter without stunning could cause more distress and pain and found that it did. The time taken for animals to die by halal methods is longer and can take up to two minutes, similarly the additional time taken to get larger animals into position was considered an additional stress. Don't rest easy -read up RSPCA have a leaflet. [The Huffington Post UK] Read more