23 March 2014

Islamic Sharia Law Effectively Enshrined In UK Legal System With New Will Guidance

Guidance on 'Sharia compliant wills' has been drawn up by The Law Society meaning high street solicitors can draft documents in line with religious principles, reports the Telegraph.

The wills will be able to deny an equal share of inheritances to women and non-Muslims and children born out of wedlock can be excluded completely.

Nicholas Fluck, president of The Law Society the measures would promote "good practice" but others have condemned the move as risking creating a parallel legal system for UK Muslims.

Baroness Cox said: "This violates everything that we stand for. It would make the Suffragettes turn in their graves.

[A COMMENT] The law of succession in this country has evolved over hundreds of years to create fairness and equality under the law irrespective of sex, race, belief, marital status or accidents of birth. We threw off the cruel, uncivilised stigma demonising gays, unmarried couples and illegitimate children decades ago and any attempt to reintroduce them on religious precepts should be vehemently opposed, particularly by those of us in the profession.

Everyone has a right to freedom of belief but religion has no place in the law making process and no religious group should become privileged over any other in this regard for little more than its capacity to complain loudly. [The Huffington Post UK] Read more