05 August 2014

Baroness Warsi was over-promoted, incapable and incompetent

.... she held herself out as the voice of the Muslims, and in particular of the ‘middle ground’. In fact she simply created this image by attacking people who almost anybody from the Muslim communities can attack — Anjem Choudary, al-Muhajiroun etc.

But her interests were clearly not in trying to move opinion in a genuinely constructive direction. Increasingly as ‘minister of faith’ she used her position not to tackle the extremists who she should have been tackling but to persuade the UK government that it should make ‘a priority’ of tackling ‘Islamophobia’.

Her priorities remained skewed. When, earlier this year, she tried to put together a panel at the Foreign Office looking into ‘Religious Freedom’ (fine subject though this is at a time when Christians are being massacred and religiously ‘cleansed’ across two continents) those she invited to join it included the Muslim Brotherhood dauphin Tariq Ramadan.

[A COMMENT] Warsi should be a shining example to us all of what happens when you promote on tokenism. Cameron should be ashamed. The people can see right through this kind of positive discrimination - why can't our so called leaders? No wonder the Tory party is hemorrhaging members.

People like Warsi have one primary loyalty and that is towards their rel-igion. Everything else comes second - and loyalty to Britain comes way way down the list. All their judgements and decisions are made through the filter of their rel-igion.

They do not share the same values as us. In many cases they harbour deep-seated resentments towards us. Everyone else can see that, why can't those who are so desperate to promote these people to positions of power with such evangelical zeal?

[ANOTHER] Warsi is always in Pakistan, using taxpayers money of course. She like every Muslim will be for the Palestinians while ignoring Syria, Iraq & Libya because those places are Muslim on Muslim. [The Spectator] Read more