08 January 2019

The blood of Muslims is more important

The oddly named Egyptian cleric Samir Hashish talks about the hadith according to which Muslims should not be put to death for killing infidels. Some people, he says, use this hadith to justify killing non-Muslims. That's a misunderstanding. It's wrong to kill infidels. But not wrong enough to justify the death penalty.

.... "If a Muslim kills a non-Muslim without a legitimate reason.... Is he wrong to do so? Yes. Should he be punished? Yes. However, he should not be given the death penalty. The judge may give him any deterring punishment in his case, with the exception of the death penalty. Why? Because of the hadith that says that no Muslim may be killed for killing an infidel. Why is that? Because their lives are not worth the same. The blood of Muslims is more important. If you want to call this "racism", fine. Of course the blood of Muslims is more important." [Mick Hartley] Read more