25 January 2019

Why I had to leave Saudi Arabia

In October 2018 I was asked to leave Saudi Arabia, the country of my birth, and a place where I had thought I might be able to build a new life. I was overheard discussing an article about female activists who had been detained in Saudi Arabia, while I was filming a BBC documentary about my attempt to see if I could settle there.

I had to leave the country immediately and was told that my behaviour apparently “criticised the kingdom”.

In that moment, the only thing I felt was shock. All I’d done was read an article - at most I thought I’d be reprimanded and told not to speak any further about the activists who campaigned for women to be given the right to drive.

Then the worry and the fear set in. I started to doubt myself; maybe I had done something truly terrible. It all happened so quickly, I had no time to think.

If I’d dared to stay, they could have cancelled my visa. I booked a flight to Heathrow and arrived home the same day. [BBC] Read more