27 May 2019

Education Secretary on Anderton Primary School LGBT protests: 'Tolerance and respect has broken down'

.... The unacceptable protests that have been taking place in Birmingham have been hugely difficult for the teachers involved, who are just trying to do their jobs.

Noisy demonstrations outside the school gates – which in the worst cases have been hijacked by individuals with a vested interest and no links to the schools – have scared children, intimidated hard-working staff and attracted sensationalised media coverage.

We want every young person growing up and going to school in our country to understand the core principles that have helped our country and society to flourish over the centuries.

The values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs – and those without faith.

It is entirely right that schools should prepare children to thrive in our diverse society, a society that is based on tolerance and respect for others who are different.

We brought our curriculum for relationships up to date precisely so that it more accurately reflects the world that children are growing up in now. [Birmingham Mail] Read more