TV host: So the Prophet Muhammad had to put an end to the anarchy coming from there. Of course, the Jews, by their nature, know that their confrontation with the Muslims will come for sure. For sure. Why Maryam? Because our hatred towards the Jews is perpetual and continuous. When the Jews realized that Muhammad is the Prophet, they acknowledged that their hatred of him is forever – that they would be his enemies all their lives.
This is happening to this day. It is even said in the Koran: "You shall find the strongest people in enmity to the believers to be the Jews and the polytheists." The Jews. They are... Who is the greatest enemy of Islam? The Jews. They use any possible means. They cast doubt on the Koran and the sirra of our Prophet Muhammad. They try to distort the Koran, but our God protects it: "We have revealed the message, and we will most surely be its guardian." They do all they can to hurt the Muslims' feelings and to harm their holy places.
We pray that Allah liberates Jerusalem. In many cases, the Jews try to do to the Muslims... What are they trying to do to the Muslims? They try to harm the Muslims. They always try to do bad things to whom, Maryam? To the Muslims. That is why Allah has warned us very strongly about them. [...] [Mick Hartley] Read more