07 May 2009

MCB Welcomes Poll Finding British Muslims at Home in the UK and Amongst Fellow Citizens

The Muslim Council of Britain today welcomed the findings of an ongoing poll conducted by Gallup and the Coexist Foundation showing that Muslims in the United Kingdom feel more loyalty towards the country in which they live than the general public believes they do. The poll reveals a triumph of fact over opinion – it challenges the idea that Muslims have divided loyalties, are separatist and, because of their faith and religiosity, have nothing in common with fellow Britons.

89% of British Muslims feel it is necessary to learn the English language, whilst 84% express the need to celebrate national holidays. These attitudes, the survey reveals, are prevalent amongst those who feel that religion is also important to their lives.

76 % of British Muslims said they had confidence in our country’s Judicial system and courts, thus negating those doomsayers who say Muslims want some sort of undefined ‘Shariah state’. On the issue of terrorism, 89% agreed that attacks in which civilians are targeted could not be morally justified at all. [The Muslim Council of Britain] Read more