It was through modern science that people came to know the wisdom behind Islam prohibiting certain stuffs. This prohibition was made before the discovery of the microscope. The prohibited stuffs are; dead animals where bacteria find an environment to grow, blood that contains even more bacteria, and finally swine whose bodies are magnets of some morbid strains that cannot be removed by any means of purification. The body of the swine is a place where many parasites, bacteria, and viruses grow and can be transfused to human beings and animals.
It's known that Balantidiasis is widespread among the swine herders and those people who mix with them. This malady may become epidemic under certain circumstances. This happened in one of the islands of the Pacific after a hurricane which spread the dung of swine all over the island. Wherever swine exists, such plagues and maladies erupt even in highly advanced countries. This is counter to their claims of the possibility of purging it through modern techniques which make the prohibition of pork invalid. [AllAfrica Global Media] Read more