09 February 2014

Islamic preachers: the pied pipers of sexual apartheid?

A young man called Ishmael, with a wispy black beard and a slight blemish in one eye, is telling me why women should be covered up and kept apart.

“If I had two sweets – one wrapped and one unwrapped – and threw them in a bin, which one would you pick out and eat?” He grins, the amateur philosopher pleased with his analogy, and breaks off to shake the hand of a young man walking past the makeshift London Metropolitan University Islamic Society stall set up in the student canteen. Ishmael, who says he is a former head of the society (something the current president later denies) appears to know a lot of the students passing through.

[A COMMENT] You can't welcome saudi (and their gulf associates) funding of their ideology propaganda centres into towns, cities and universities all over the land and not expect their backwards ways to rub off on some people.

[ANOTHER] Weep my friends - because at present this country and its history and its culture will be done for in 30 years and in the meantime we will slowly sink into slow motion destruction via the ballot box and the maternity ward and the fleet of Boeings flying them in from the islamic world. [The Telegraph] Read more