12 February 2018

More and more French believe Islam is compatible with society

While the role of Islam in French society has long been a divisive and inflammatory topic a new study suggests people in France are now more accepting of the religion.

The new survey showed that 56 percent of French people believe Islam to be compatible with the values of French society compared to two years ago when the same percentage believed the opposite to be true.

Carried out by pollsters Ifop on behalf of Le Journal de Dimanche, the survey however also showed that 43 percent of the country does not think the religion is compatible with life in France (see graph below).

The survey comes at a time when France is waiting for President Macron to deliver his vision for the role of Islam in French society.

In an interview with Le Journal de Dimanche in November the president said he wanted "to reorganize Islam in France to better integrate worship, fight fundamentalism and preserve 'national cohesion'.” [The Local] Read more