06 May 2014

Creeping anti-Sharia: Cranmer on Brunei and Subway

.... While most people won’t deny that the Brunei news is much more alarming than the Subway story, some still insist that it’s important to be alert to ‘the thin end of the wedge’ – the dangers of ‘Sharia creep’.

But there is also perhaps a danger of ‘anti-Sharia creep’, if people start making a fuss over things even they don’t really think that important. Muslims (and others) who may be persuaded that there is a serious point to be made about segregation, wills, or courts, let alone hudud punishments, are likely to start suspecting that Islam is being viewed with disproportionate scrutiny if ‘turkey ham’ become a prompt for end-of-civilisation-as-we-know-it horror.

[A COMMENT] .... Your interpretation is possibly correct of course, but I am in no mood to afford either Subway or the 'community' making this 'strong demand' the benefit of the doubt. It is perfectly possible that Subway responded to threats, either explicit or implicit, or - worse - that Subway, mindful of the hysteria over drawings etc - made an unprovoked overcorrection in anticipation of trouble (what Hitchens used to call 'crying before you're hurt'). [Harry’s Place] Read more